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As a community of Kingdom people we love and value every individual and seek to bring out their true identity by cultivating a culture of love and honor.Youth With A Mission affirms the Bible as the authoritative word of God and, with the Holy Spirit's inspiration, the absolute reference point for every aspect of life and ministry. Based upon God's word, who He is, and His initiative of salvation, the following responses are strongly emphasised in our community:

YWAM Olten

At YWAM Olten we are passionate about pursuing God's dreams for our lives, our city, and the nations. Based on God's direction to our pioneering team, YWAM Olten has three primary focuses:

*keeping watch through worship and prayer
*mercy ministries that reveal the heart of God
*training and releasing God's people to walk in true identity and to carry the Kingdom of God wherever He may lead them

Community living is an essential part of YWAM.
It provides a great framework for a holistic discipleship approach. As a community we aim to foster the culture of heaven, where selfless love is the order of the day. This creates a safe environment where character can be shaped and hearts can be restored. Giftings and callings over peoples lives are encouraged, strengthened, and given space to be put into practice. Together we share God's heart for the needs of our city and for the nations and seek to pour out His love in creative and courageous ways.

YWAM Olten
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